Apply to Huxley School of Makeup Full name Pronouns Email Contact Number Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) City & Country of Residence For international applicants, what VISA type do you currently hold or are applying for? What course are you interested in studying? Select Diploma On Campus Dilpoma Blended Diploma In-school Progressive Makeup Artistry Dual Certificate Professional Hair Styling Why have you chosen to study makeup? Outside of makeup, what inspires you? What courses have you studied and completed in full? What courses have you studied and not completed? Do you hold a year 12 certificate or a certificate IV and higher qualification? Select Yes No Are you currently employed? Select Yes No Choose your favourite makeup genres & styles: Natural Beauty Glam SFX Gore / Horror Character Cosplay Drag Film Makeup Avant Garde Creature Makeup Design Props & Sculpting Do you have a muse, artist or influencer who inspires you? If successful in gaining a position to study at HUXLEY, would you be available for work experience placement that may fall outside your regular tuition hours? Select Yes No How did you hear about HUXLEY? Select Instagram Facebook TikTok Google Search Word of Mouth Online Ad Careers Expo High School Careers Advisor TAFE Other Why would you like to study at HUXLEY? Why should HUXLEY accept you as a student? Submit Application WANT TO ATTEND ONE OF OUR FAMOUS WORKSHOPS? Check out the hot list of incredible HUXLEY Workshops Enquire Have a different question? Name Email Question Send Application Process Apply to Makeup School Interview with Course Convener Enrollment Confirmation